Gone too soon…what I wish I knew
Recently I asked a few dear friends to write down questions they wish they could ask their dads. Unfortunately, these dear friends lost their fathers way too soon.
A lot of questions remain for all of them regardless of the amount of earthly time with their beloved fathers.
Here are some of the questions they wish they could ask:
- What did you have the most fun doing?
- What made you laugh the hardest?
- What would you spend more time doing/less time doing?
- What would you do differently?
- What do you love most about yourself? And me?
- When did you feel fearless?
- What would we do together if we only if one day left?
- What would you want me to know about your life and how it made you who you are?
- What are you most proud of?
- What’s the hardest thing you’ve done?
- What’s your hope for your kids?
- How do you want to be remembered?
- What was it like the first time you met my mom? What did you think of her at first?
- How did you feel when I was born? Where you scared and sort of like “oh shit what now?!” like I was?
- What was your happiest memory of my childhood?
- Do you think I should have another kid?
- Is there anything you would do differently knowing where you ultimately ended up?
- What advice do you have for your grandson and what would you want to be sure we passed on to him?
If you are a dad – or grandfather, grandmother, father or mother – share your answers to these questions with your loved ones today. I am certain after you’re gone there will be more questions your loved ones will want answered, but at least they’ll know these.
Taking the time to share your story and your answers with loved ones is a priceless gift. It is your legacy.
One that your loved ones will forever cherish.
In the Missing Pieces Plan we have a Legacy Questionnaire designed to help you write or craft your legacy. You can include as much or as little as you choose. The information provided will be a gift to your loved ones. To learn more visit www.missingpiecesplan.com.
To order your copy of Missing Pieces Plan, click here: http://missingpiecesplan.com/amazon
Sending love!