Getting the pieces DONE. SOLVED.
On Monday and Wednesday I shared the pitfalls we all face when pieces are left missing from our traditional financial plans. What are loved ones are ‘left to figure out’ if we don’t plan.
The Missing Pieces Plan is the ONE resource that helps you fill in all the unknowns, all your missing pieces allowing you to plan for the inevitable and gain peace of mind.
To help you get started, today I am sharing 6 easy TIPS:
- Download the Checklist (when you sign up to subscribe).
- Prioritize the 3 “pieces” you want to complete first. I recommend choosing 3 to work on that make the most sense given your stage in life.
- Set the checklist aside. (Yes, set it aside.)
- Calendar time you can spend thinking, dreaming, and creating the life you want.
- Utilize your calendared time to journaling and write your wishes down for how you want to LIVE and LEAVE your loved ones.
- After you have a ‘good enough’ idea of your wishes and wants, pick up your copy of the Missing Pieces Plan and complete the worksheets corresponding to the 3 pieces, or chapters, which you chose in Step #2.
You can do this!
If you think you might need some further inspiration,
sign up to receive updates on the Missing Pieces Plan Course,
Get Your Pieces Done, launching in a few days, HERE.
The Get Your Pieces Done course will walk you through each chapter and corresponding worksheets to inspire you and help you complete your pieces. With the course, we help you make the time, work the worksheets, AND get your pieces DONE.